forge verify-contract

Verify smart contracts on Etherscan

$ forge verify-contract --help
Usage: forge verify-contract [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS> [CONTRACT]

          The address of the contract to verify

          The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`

      --constructor-args <ARGS>
          The ABI-encoded constructor arguments
          [aliases: encoded-constructor-args]

      --constructor-args-path <PATH>
          The path to a file containing the constructor arguments

          Try to extract constructor arguments from on-chain creation code

      --compiler-version <VERSION>
          The `solc` version to use to build the smart contract

      --num-of-optimizations <NUM>
          The number of optimization runs used to build the smart contract
          [aliases: optimizer-runs]

          Flatten the source code before verifying

  -f, --force
          Do not compile the flattened smart contract before verifying (if
          --flatten is passed)

          Do not check if the contract is already verified before verifying

          Wait for verification result after submission

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

          Prints the standard json compiler input.
          The standard json compiler input can be used to manually submit
          contract verification in the browser.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

      --evm-version <EVM_VERSION>
          The EVM version to use.
          Overrides the version specified in the config.

  -e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

  -c, --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [env: CHAIN=]

  -r, --rpc-url <URL>
          The RPC endpoint
          [env: ETH_RPC_URL=]

          Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode
          This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.

      --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
          JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
          The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example,
          the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated`
          cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2
          [env: ETH_RPC_JWT_SECRET=]

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]